Official TwiFic Meetup

If you haven’t heard already, there’s going to be an Official TwiFic Meetup in Chicago next June (27th–30th).

“June of 2013??!?” you ask. “That’s eight months away! Why are you telling us about this now?”

Well, I’m glad you asked. I’m telling you because I want you to START PLANNING! Seriously, eight months seems like a long way away, but it’s not. We’ve all got various things going on in life: spouses, kids, pets, work, school, etc. Then there’s the cost of getting there, lodging, food and other fun stuff, and the meetup itself.

Not only have I signed up to go, but I’ve also paid my registration fee. I know it makes me sound like an overachiever, but really I only did it so I couldn’t talk myself out of it later. #socialanxietyFTL #ifyoutrytohugmeiwillkillyou

It’s $125 if you pay before January 15. See? another incentive to plan ahead. Also, I’m sure the girls tackling this event (@MsKathy, @aleighy, and @theswandive) appreciate the advanced commitment.

If you’re interested in going, don’t put it off until the last minute. Put it on your calendar, ask permission, put in a time off request, find sitters, start saving those pennies—whatever you have to do to make it happen.

I’m going to be mentioning this in my author’s notes between now and then to spread the word to as many people as possible. I hope you’ll consider doing the same. Let’s make this the biggest partay evar!

Questions? Direct them to the TwiFic Meetup girls.




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